How to keep your car smelling fresh
When you get a new car one thing that almost everyone notices is that ‘new car’ smell. Unfortunately, that nice fresh smell doesn’t tend to last very long and once your car has been filled with food smells or sweaty sports kits it can quickly start to smell a bit off. There are many car fresheners on the market, such as hanging trees or fresheners that attach to your vents, but these don’t tend to last very long so can work out quite expensive. Another problem with these is that they tend to contain quite a lot of harsh chemicals so probably aren’t ideal for everyday use.
A more natural alternative could be making your own fresheners using thin pieces of carboard or craft wood and dropping a few drips of your favourite essential oils on. These are cheap and easy and safe for inhalation.
If you don’t have time to make a freshener you could buy a pack of fragranced dryer sheets. These are thin paper-like cloths that are highly scented. Simple take out a few and line your door pockets with them. You could even pop one behind your visors to make your car will smell beautiful in no time!