
Enjoy Your Own Style With The Cheap Number Plates

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In the UK, cheap number plates are the perfect disguise for your vehicle’s age as well as a sense of privateness. A vehicle can cause so much attention if it has a unique or antique number plate. In both situations, people would just admire the unique representation of your number plate.

1. Northern Ireland Plates

They begin from as low as £100 and come in a 3-letter format which include Z or I together with 4 other numbers. For instance, CTZ 3534. The number plate conceals the year letter of your vehicle and one would be fortunate if they found their name’s initials on the number plate. In a way, it broadcasts your name on the plate.

However, if you want to spend on a higher quote, you can get for example RIW 4869 that will cost you about £250 including transfers. On the other hand, getting the same RW with a 4 number, dateless plate would cost just about 2,500 pounds.
A Northern Ireland plate would fit in any DVLA registered car, therefore, you can be comfortable in getting yourself one for your vehicle.

2. Prefix Number Plates

This category lets you make your personalised plate. You will select a year letter together with 3, 2 or 1 number followed by 3 letters, but these letters do not include Z, Q or I. For these plates, you will expect to pay around £300. You will be able to choose initials of your desire, so if you have 3 names, you might land just the right plate for you.

They can also come handy if you are planning to buy someone a gift, mostly those with 3 names. An advantage is that they can be bought in advance on entitlement certificate. After you have purchased the plate in advance, you can then go for the tax disc, V5/C and, if applicable, MOT, together with a certificate at the DTO (Department of Transport Office) in order to assign your plate.

3. Dateless  Number Plates

These cheap number plates have 3 number marks that exist, for instance, 656 MYF, 546 TFY, that is, they do not have the four (1976) number. The plates cost between £ 450 and £550. They can also be used as someone’s initials with the 3 last letters.

Always keep in mind that you can use these number plates in any DVLA vehicle and not have any challenges or problems with the authority. These number plates can keep that nosy eye off your vehicle when they wonder, just how long have your car been in existence?’. When you want cheap number plates, you can choose the Northern Ireland Plates and enjoy the private life and the comfort of your initials on the plate. Indeed, it is the best way to have a perfect car identification customised with your details.